Better sleep

Fill up the form and let our AI recommend the products for you.

You should consult with a dietitian before taking the supplements.

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Do you have any of these symptoms?

Select up to 5 most severe symptoms
Do you often fail to achieve 7-8 hours of sleep per night?
Do your sleep patterns vary significantly, with no consistent bedtime or wake-up time each day?
Do you have difficulty falling asleep within 30 minutes of going to bed?
Do you often wake up during the night and have trouble falling back asleep?
Do you feel drowsy or tired during the day, even after a full night’s sleep?
Do you consume caffeine or alcohol within 3 hours of going to sleep?
Do you use electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, or computers within 1 hour of going to bed?
Do you typically skip engaging in any relaxing activities before bed, such as reading or meditation?
Do you lack a consistent exercise routine?
Do you experience discomfort due to temperature fluctuations at night (feeling too hot or too cold)?
Do you frequently eat dinner less than 3 hours before bedtime?
Do you snore loudly or have been told you stop breathing while sleeping?
Do you experience restless legs or discomfort in your legs at night?
Do you often have anxious or stressful thoughts when trying to sleep?

Analyzing symptoms and generating recommendations…