Mood health and cognition

Fill up the form and let our AI recommend the products for you.

You should consult with a dietitian before taking the supplements.

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Do you have any of these symptoms?

Select up to 5 most severe symptoms
In the past month, have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless?
Have you experienced noticeable mood swings recently?
Do you frequently feel overwhelmed or excessively stressed?
Have you had trouble concentrating or making decisions lately?
Do you often feel restless or find it hard to sit still?
Have you experienced a lack of interest or pleasure in activities you usually enjoy?
Do you find yourself having difficulty performing necessary tasks at home, work, or school?
Have you experienced any changes in appetite or weight recently?
Do you often have trouble relaxing, even in comfortable environments?
Do you regularly experience episodes of intense fear or worry, accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, dizziness, stomach pain, feeling hot or cold, chest tightness, or tingling in your hands or feet?
Do you often feel fatigued or have low energy levels?
Have you had trouble sleeping, either too much or too little?
Do you typically exclude fatty fish (such as salmon, trout, or sardines) from your weekly diets?
Do you typically exclude a source of healthy fats (like avocados, nuts, or olive oil) from your daily diets?
Do you typically exclude fruits and vegetables from your daily diets?

Analyzing symptoms and generating recommendations…